June 1, 2015

Author Feature - Clark Rich Burbidge

Author - Clark Rich Burbidge - www.giantsinthelandbook.com

Book - Giants in the Land: Book Two - The Prodigals

Genre -  Middle Reader YA Fiction/Fantasy

Publisher - WinePress Publishing

Road to Publishing - I consider WinePress a mix of both worlds and I have certainly been treated as I had come to expect from a Traditional publisher (my first book was traditionally published and this is my 4th book). I began seriously writing in 2010 while I was in between jobs. I have been a story teller my entire life and found the publishing process to require patience and humility to the max. I looked at books in the genre of my writing and called many authors. I found them wonderful to speak with and helpful. I then submitted my work to several publishers. I got declined by some but one in particular didn't appear to even have read the manuscript. So my wife and I talked about it and decided, what can they do decline me again, so I wrote them a very nice letter but one that clearly asked them to at least read my manuscript before declining so I could at least learn from the process. Amazingly enough about 2 weeks later I got a letter back from the publisher telling me they loved the book, suggesting some revisions and giving me 10 days to get the revised manuscript to them. Don't give up and don't be afraid to tactfully and respectfully speak out is what I tell young writers.

My 2nd through 4th books were done with WinePress who I found through a national clearinghouse. They loved my Christmas book right away and also my Giants series so that went much more smoothly.

If you write you should go for it and not be shy. Take the advice and learn from it even if it is tough, and it will be. Just make sure your voice is respected. Publishing is not the same as writing. It is a business and will require you to learn all the things necessary to start a new business. The skills are the same. But if you hang in there and see the process as taking you somewhere worth being then you will find joy in the process. I love meeting fans and doing something to help uplift them is some small way. My outreach to schools to inspire youth to stay in school and that it is worth the effort to find your greatness and become a giant has brought me the real joy in being an author.

Synopsis -Giants Two: The prodigals begins a few years after book one ends. Thomas the primary character of book one is older and is now a forest ward watching over the land. He is central to the book but we also meet several teenage prodigals. Young people who have lost their way, given up on hope in life or simply discouraged and distracted because they don't like their life, don't fit in or feel they can't live up to their parents expectations. These prodigals are caught up in a sudden change as a great evil threatens the land. They must discover their own true potential, overcome their fears and misgivings and save the land. They, along with an aging hero are the only ones that stand between the evil threat and the destruction of the land, their way of life and all the giants have worked to create for a thousand years. You might say they are way outside their comfort zone.

The Giants Trilogy is a thrilling adventure for the middle and YA reader. Parents frequently respond saying they have loved the books as well. There is a huge market out there of people who are tired of dark conflicted characters and not being able to tell good from evil. They seek characters with values that can be inspiring to youth and emulated. I will also say that my books do not give the characters any easy way out of their problems. They cannot just wave a wand, call upon a super power or beam up. My characters draw the young people to them because they, like real people, can only solve problems by reaching deep within and finding their own greatness, rising up and bravely doing all they can. It is my hope that through my books young people can realize more readily that they do have value, they can make a difference and that while they may not be able to clearly see how they fit in, they will see it as they press forward. There is a place for them and it is worth all the effort getting there. My books focus on hope that leads to faith that inspires action that can make a difference.

Disclosure - The questions were answered by the spotlight person in conjunction with my new feature.  I have not read the books.  I received nothing for this post.

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